Exciting News! Evening appointments are now available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Call us to book today.
Helping owners handle aggression and anxiety in order to improve their pet relationships.
Our clinic features an experienced dog trainer who is a Registered Veterinary Technician as well as veterinarians who have a strong interest in behaviour training.
Millions of dogs are surrendered to animal shelters due to behavioural issues. Timely counselling and proper training are important at the first signs of problems and can even help prevent problems from occurring in the first place.
Prior to your appointment, you will fill out a brief questionnaire to help us address all of your behavioural issues. Videos also help us to see first-hand what is going on at home. Behaviour consultations can last up to 60 minutes.
Many insurance companies will cover Behaviour Consultations. It is best to check with your individual insurance company to make sure this is covered by your policy.
After your consultation, you will have homework to practice at home. Regular follow-up appointments at the clinic will help keep you on track, allow us to see your dog’s progress and build on new exercises. Changes in your dog’s behaviour will take time but with hard work, you will have a well-mannered pet that you can enjoy sharing your life with.
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