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8 Tips for Feeding Your Pet
8 Tips for Feeding Your Pet

8 Tips for Feeding Your Pet

How do I know if what I’m feeding my pet is OK? Is it better to do homemade food? What ingredients are good? 

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Adipose (Lipoma) Tumors in Dogs
Adipose (Lipoma) Tumors in Dogs

Adipose (Lipoma) Tumors in Dogs

These notes are provided to help you understand the diagnosis or possible diagnosis of cancer in your pet. 

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Protect Your Pet From Ticks
Protect Your Pet From Ticks

Protect Your Pet From Ticks

Do I really need to continue my pets tick prevention in November and December?

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The Problem with Retractable Leashes
The Problem with Retractable Leashes

The Problem with Retractable Leashes

We all understand the appeal of the retractable leash. Your dog is free to toodle around and enjoys themselves while you enjoy a peaceful walk.

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What to Look For In a Boarding Kennel
What to Look For In a Boarding Kennel

What to Look For In a Boarding Kennel

Consider which available boarding option best suits your pet’s lifestyle. Some offer a sitter that will come to your house for walking, feedings and social time.

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Why Does My Cat Need a Cat Tree?
Why Does My Cat Need a Cat Tree?

Why Does My Cat Need a Cat Tree?

Cats love to have their own space to sleep away the day while their owners are busy at work making money to buy them new toys.

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Dog Dental Cleaning at Home
Dog Dental Cleaning at Home

Dog Dental Cleaning at Home

Just like in humans, the number one thing you can do for your pet’s oral health is brush those pearly whites!

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What to Know About Cat Trees
What to Know About Cat Trees

What to Know About Cat Trees

Cats love to have their own space to sleep away the day while their owners are busy at work making money to buy them new toys.

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Spring Caution: Mouldy Treasures
Spring Caution: Mouldy Treasures

Spring Caution: Mouldy Treasures

Tremorgenic mycotoxicity is a major concern in the spring as the ice and snow melt and reveal the moldy “treasures” underneath.

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Managing Arthritis in Pets
Managing Arthritis in Pets

Managing Arthritis in Pets

Arthritis is one of the most common concerns that we see both our canine and feline patients for. It manifests itself in many different ways.

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Poinsettia Toxicity
Poinsettia Toxicity

Poinsettia Toxicity

We field many “my pet ate this, what do I do?” phone calls over the holidays. One of the main offenders, other than chocolate, is Poinsettias.

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“Anesthesia-Free” Dentistry is Obsolete
Why “Anesthesia-Free” Dentistry is a Thing of the Past

“Anesthesia-Free” Dentistry is Obsolete

Nothing makes veterinary staff cringe more than hearing a pet owner talk about “anesthesia-free’ dental cleanings. 

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