Exciting News! Evening appointments are now available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Call us to book today. 

Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Our pets are living longer healthier lives thanks to advancements in veterinary care, proper nutrition, exercise and of course their great owners.

When does a dog become a senior?

It depends on the breed, generally dogs become seniors around 7 years old while some of the giant breed dogs like the Great Dane become seniors as young as 5 years old.

What are common senior dog health issues?

In senior dogs, we commonly encounter joint and back pain, dental disease, weight gain and hearing and vision loss. We also can see changes in liver and kidney functions.

How should I care for my senior dog?

Ideally senior pets should be examined every 6 months and blood work is done annually to screen for early changes in organ function. Daily exercise that is tailored to your specific dog is a must to maintain good joint mobility and strong muscles.

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