While You’re Away, Your Pets Will Play!

It’s that time of year again! While many are going up to the cottage or away on vacation, sometimes the fur family doesn’t get to come along. When you’re boarding your pet or having a pet sitter watch them here are a couple of things to consider.

Does your pet sitter know who your family veterinarian is?

It is so important that the person who is taking care of your family member knows who your regular veterinarian is AND knows your full name. Even if they don’t end up taking your pet to your regular clinic it can be very helpful to another clinic to get a quick history if your fur baby isn’t feeling well while you are away.

Is your pet sitter able to reach you?

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan when you are away. It’s always important that your pet sitter knows how to contact you in case any big decisions need to be of an emergency. If you aren’t reachable, make sure to provide your pet sitter with contact information for someone you trust to make decisions on your behalf.

Is your pet on any medications?

Now, this is the big one! Many pets are on various types of medications ranging from flea/tick and heartworm medications to antibiotics or thyroid pills, to life-saving medications like insulin or heart medication. It is CRITICAL that the person who is taking care of your pets knows how and when/when not to give these medications. For example:

  • Most antibiotics are to be given with food to improve absorption and decrease gastrointestinal upset.
  • Insulin injections MUST ALWAYS be accompanied by a meal. If a diabetic pet is not eating DO NOT give the insulin and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Low blood sugar is more immediately life-threatening than high blood sugar.
  • If your pet is on anti-seizure medication ensure that you have enough for the time that you are gone and counsel your pet sitter on what measures to take if your pet has a seizure while in their care.

If you follow these simple tips you should be able to enjoy your holiday in peace, knowing that your furry family members are safe and happy.

Written by Aurora Animal Clinic